– Romans 7:18 KJV
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No good is in our flesh. Watchmen Nee felt that many workers of the gospel were good at sharing about Christ’s blood covering our sins, past present and future; however they were not very good at sharing the full implication of the cross and denying our flesh. He stated in The Spiritual Man “ We are never asked in the Bible to be crucified for sin, that is true. It does exhort us, however, to take up the cross for denying self. The Lord Jesus instructs us many times to deny ourselves and take up the cross and follow Him. The explanation for this is that the Lord Jesus deals with our sins and with ourselves very differently. To wholly conquer sin the believer needs but a moment; to deny the self he needs and entire lifetime. Only on the cross did Jesus bear our sins, yet throughout His life the Lord denied Himself. The same must be true of us.”